Have you ever noticed how we hold on to past mistakes long after they have occured? Some of us hold on to these for far to long. One thing that I always believe is that past mistakes we have made always learn us lessons that we need to move forward. Take this quote for instance, "I have learned so much from my mistakes....I am thinking of making some more!"

Emma Kinsey

Emma Kinsey

Every single thing that happens in our life is a learning curve. We can continue to beat ourselves up over things we could of done differently or we can learn from them and move on. A great way of getting a better direction in our life is to follow and use our gut instinct. Your gut intinct can give you an instinctive feeling, as opposed to an opinion or idea based on facts. It is that feeling that you get that you cannot quite explain but you know it means something.

I believe that your gut instinct is spirit, they are sending you messages to help you on your path. Whatever your belief maybe of what your gut intinct is why not use it more in 2016 to help you make the right decisions about your life. Some of the most powerful names in business credit their success with following their gut instinct.

In order to tap into our gut instinct we need to "unplug" ourselves, in other words take ourselves away from any stressful situations for exaple our work and find a place where we can relax the mind. It is so much harder for you to listen to your gut instinct when you have things going on around you distracting you. When you are wanting to concentrate on a problem/situation that you need to solve maybe take a walk by yourself, basically go and be anywhere that is relaxing for you.

This could be anywhere, a walk by the sea maybe, when you are in a state of calm listen to any hunches, whispers that you get, this is your gut instinct trying to guide you. It is up to you to follow these hunches and see where they lead. For example, if something looks like a good idea but it just does not feel right for you then it probably wont be. It is up to you to follow these instincts.Does something feel comfortable or uncomfortable? All these things you need to listen to.

Many of us shrug off these feelings that we get and we all need to listen to them more. When you have a gut intinct and you act on it other people may not agree with the decisions that you make. It is so importat that you do what feels right for you. Do not listen to outside influences only listen to yourself, trust in YOUR gut instinct. Put this in to practice in 2016 and watch how your life changes for the better. You are being protected you just need to take the time to listen.

By Emma Kinsey

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