So many people make the following mistakes when they are on a date because mobile phones are omnipresent now- but a few old fashioned manners go far in a dating scenario. So take these tips on board, put your phones away and be in the moment with Blu UK.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Phones off- Your date came to see you not your phone screen or the top of your head. Don't keep showing them You Tube videos or Facebook posts- they can do that themselves- they are here to learn about you- not repeat view what is on their feed already.

Don't take a picture of your meal for few book or Instagram- It implies that you can't do a thing without posting it afterwards- what happened to organic experiences that are confined to your memory? People know what food looks like- they can't taste it- so why waste your time? Your date is more important than likes and followers.

Don't check in- Besides from increasing the likelihood of your house being burgled- if he reads it- he might be put off by your friends' questions or your replies.

Don't change your relationship status after date number one- This is hasty even for someone looking for a long term relationship- it may scare them off so wait until you both feel comfortable enough to talk about it let alone doing it.

Text to chatter- If it does go well- don't just restrict it to texting- call them up to hear their voice and it won't be as scary when you meet up a second time.

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