When decorating your new joint home, it can be difficult to come up with ideas- so naturally you arrive at ones you have seen on your favourite TV shows according to eBay.co.uk. When money is tight- like for the Friends characters in the first few seasons- it's easy to feel ok about uncoordinated, second hand stuff.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Nothing matches- From curtains, to carpets and cushions- you settle for what people donate to you and make do until you can afford new stuff. It's all part of it's charm. Buy hey the walls are all pretty and purple!

You need to have plenty of seating- You may not have the matching 3-2-1 combo you are looking for but you need to ensure that when people come over there is somewhere for them to sit. Even if it means having a lot of emergency chairs for your kitchen area.

Everything is exposed- You may not be able to afford cupboard doors so what starts out as a modern 'minimalist kitchen'- just looks a mess. But you can always reach for the Sugar-Os easily!

Your fridge tells a thousand stories- You use it for shopping lists, pictures and important docs because you have nowhere to file them yet, so your entire world is held on the door precariously with a cheap magnet. It looks haphazard but if you move them your partner will notice!

You use posters as wall décor- Wallpaper is expensive so you use so called 'trendy posters' to hide the cracks and bad painting in the hope no-one notices.

Your TV takes pride of place- No matter how little you have, you always manage to find money for the TV and a decent one at that- what else is all your furniture going to point at?

You dodge delivery- When you get to a point when you can choose what furniture you want- the delivery is always extortionate so you improvise and wish you hadn't.

You think outside the box- If something breaks in transit- like the frame around the peephole (trivia- that was once a mirror on set)- you don't throw it away- you find another use for it.

You think about an upgrade- If someone suggests you move- you seriously consider it- even if you have become strangely fond of the naked neighbour across the way. Sometimes it's just too late and your greed gets the better of you. 

Your furniture has multiple uses- A coffee table can become a set, a window seat is also a secret storage area and your table magically transforms into a foosball game. Or your TV stand becomes an extra door to your bedroom.

by for relationships.femalefirst.co.uk
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