Today is National Pumpkin Day- a time to get creative with your lover and a pumpkin. Here's why...

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Carving out the innards takes time- Which can encourage conversation between you as you scoop- about your day, your relationship, your weekend plans- whatever takes your fancy.

You only get to do it once a year- So it's important to keep the tradition going and make the effort and establish habits around the holidays.

You can have a competition- And see who can make the scariest one- the prize for the winner is up to you!

It's something different- Chances are, when you get in from work the most you do is eat your evening meal and watch TV. This gets you up from your armchairs, away from your digital devices and doing something productive for a change.

It's fun- You may be well into adulthood- but carving a pumpkin lets you share in the fun of this day even if you don't have kids. It allows you to be a little bit silly and forget about your responsibilities for a while.

You can cook with the flesh- If you don't want to waste what you've just extracted from the pumpkin- you can always bake a delicious pumpkin pie together afterwards.

It makes for a great photo opportunity- Whether you're the kind of couple who posts everything on social media or if you like to keep your pics private- either way you can have a record of your Halloween night together by snapping your efforts.

It will get you in the mood for Halloween- If you haven't got anything planned- this is the perfect time to discuss what you want to do over to mark the occasion. Even if it's just buying a few sweets for the trick or treaters.

It's the perfect weekend activity- If you haven't organised anything for the weekend- you can make a day of it- source your pumpkin from your nearest supermarket or pumpkin picking patch- decide what your design will be- then take it home and spend some time on your masterpiece!

You can pop a tea light in the pumpkin- when you're done and have sex by Halloween themed candle light!

by for
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