A BIGGER SPLASH is a dazzling, sensuous portrait of desire, jealousy and rock 'n' roll under the Mediterranean sun.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

When a high-profile couple - a rock star and a filmmaker decide to vacation on a remote Italian island, their rest is disrupted by the sudden visit of an old friend and his sexy, yet mysterious daughter. Suddenly, what was supposed to be an ideal getaway turns into a whirlwind of jealousy, passion and danger for everyone in the group.

This 'old friend' (Ralph Fiennes) still has feelings for his ex, the rock star Marianne Lane played by Tilda Swinton. They see each other as friends, but is there more to this than on the surface?

"Let's stay friends" is one of the oldest clichés in the book when it comes to a breakup. Sure it might soften the blow a bit, but staying buds with your ex is most likely going to end in tears. It might seem hard to cut ties completely, but the quicker you do, the quicker you can find someone who doesn't leave their tea bags on the side, and doesn't confuse generally with genuinely (is it really that hard?!).

Here we've listed 6 reasons why staying friends with your Ex is a terrible idea.

It's not healthy

You broke up for a reason, and it's not healthy to keep holding onto something that brought such negativity into your life. Breakups are both physically and mentally draining, why would you want to drag them out? You stressed enough when you were together; you deserve a break and a clean start.


If you're still hanging out after your break up, it's going to suck when one of you starts liking someone else. Even if you're not together now, you'll probably still care on some level, and you're not going to want to hear about how great their new boyfriend/girlfriend is.

It will make you doubt your decision

If you still spend time together and have fun, then you're going to start questioning why you ever broke up. But maybe the reason it's enjoyable is because you're not stressing over being a couple. You're obviously Ex's for a reason, so give your head a break and stop over thinking.

It isn't fair

In the words of The Script, "When a heart breaks it don't break even". So chances are, one of you is more cut up about the breakup than the other. So staying friends means that they get their hopes up. Something that may seem like harmless flirting from one person, could mean a whole lot more to another.

You'll probably sleep together

If you continue to go out together, then it's highly likely that you'll get drunk, or one of you will comfort the other in a time of sadness, and then you'll end up in bed together. Sure you'll argue that it felt so comfortable and familiar, but it's not fair on either of you, and once again you'll complicate the situation.

It will prevent you from starting new relationships

If you're still close with your Ex, then you'll feel a certain amount of loyalty towards them. So starting new relationships may make you feel guilty and worry about hurting their feelings. It's not fair on anyone new you meet either; you can't give yourself completely if you're still holding onto the past.

A Bigger Splash is in cinemas this Friday.

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