You expect your friend to text back right away- What are they doing? Why would they start a text conversation and then wander off without their phone?

Do you like things done yesterday?!

Do you like things done yesterday?!

You like boxsets that get to the point- You are immediately put off by a long intro or a complicated storyline and are known to everyone as 'the flicker' - meaning you incessantly flick between the channels.

You can't wait for a meal out- You must snack beforehand just in case they take forever to bring your dish.

You favour the microwave over the oven- Because it takes far less time and you get to eat quicker!

You get in the car and drive- You don't dawdle for things like checking your mirrors- that would be too time consuming.

You always do the amber gamble- You do not tolerate people who stop on an amber light. It's madness I tell you!

You hate stopping for pedestrians- They always seem to drop down to slow mode when you pull up.

Red lights seem like an eternity to you- You think they get longer every time you stop.

You can't bare slow walkers- You try to overtake them but they always seem to block you with wide arm gestures and by snaking along the pavement.

You hate queues- Even if you're ravenous- you are still willing to undo your plans so you don't have to wait.

You always choose your meal super fast- And get irritated by people who are torn between two dishes- just pick one already!

You eat your meals without coming up for air- And are ready to leave before the other person has had their third bite.

You watch boxset episodes in secret- Even though you have told your TV buddy that you would never do such a thing. LIAR!

by for
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