LA Fitness has found out what parts of their bodies women most like and dislike- we take a look at why this might be!

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Top 5 least-loved parts

Stomach- Whether women have had children or not- the tummy is always the no-go area for men. It gurgles and it rumbles when they go near it like a monster is living inside hollering 'get your mitts of my thatching and give me food'! And that's why it also jiggles.

Thighs- I'm thinking cellulite might have something to do with this- you could have the most rocking pair of pins going but add the cottage cheese effect on top and it kind of takes the granny off even the most toned of thighs. If only you could eat it off- dig a bit of cottage cheese on a cracker- but alas- sigh….

Teeth- Unless you get a healthy promotion or win the lottery, fixing teeth is a pricey business, so you are just going to have to learn to love them and pray for an unexpected windfall. (And a mirror that says 'you are the fairest of them all…even with those teeth.') Dragons Den pitch right there!

Legs- They may be shapely, but my word they are hard work. There's all that exfoliating, moisturising, shaving, waxing and epilating involved. It's no wonder women would rather say they hate them and tuck them away than sport a large shaving cut or knees that resemble rhinoceros's arseholes.

Waist- Ah the part of you that's supposed to dip inwards to separate you from the men folk. If you're anything like me, your waist has as much dip as a bag of tortilla crisps and an empty bowl.

Top 5 best- loved parts

Eyes- Eyes can't gain weight! The one glorious part of you that can't! If you are born with a pretty colour- people will always compliment you on them regardless of what's going on further down.

Hair- Something you can have complete control over with the right products. Getting a new hairstyle is like drinking a red bull, getting on a rollercoaster and having an orgasm all wrapped up in one. You are suddenly the best version of yourself- until it rains or you have to shower- then you enter a deep depression and question all your life choices.

Lips- Lips are versatile- go au natural, gloss them bad boys up or go full on Dulux colour chart with your shade/s of choice. Women can use them in flirting, for kissing and of course for some mean moves in the bedroom- what's not to love?!

Boobs- You may worry about the impending sag- but men really don't give a rat's ass unless you can bang them off your knees. They are just glad to see/ feel them so if you confident about them already, you will feel even better when your partner starts to bop them around like fun bags.

Nails- A set of perfectly manicured nails just add a certain je ne sais quois when doing anything with a penis right ladies?!