Not saving money from a young age- When you first started going out, you spent all your money on take-out food and expensive date nights because you loved the feeling of being a new couple and having new experiences together- whatever the cost. Now you wish you had been more modest in your romantic choices and saved up for more important things like house deposits and your joint nest egg.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Not having enough self-belief- Despite the pep talks you give each other when going for a new job, asking for more money or a different role at work, it falls on deaf ears. Your motto is fake it till you make it but neither if you are confident enough to say you've made it- even if you have.

Not doing enough exercise- You got into the habit of going to the cinema and watching TV far too early into your relationship and it's stuck. You go out for the odd walk but that's it and now you're at an age where you fear your ways are irreversible.

Not travelling more- You've got to the point where you're thinking of starting a family and travelling is much harder with a kid in tow- both financially and practically. You both worry that you haven't done enough before your situation will dictate that you can't.

Smoking- At some point on a drunken night out, you thought it would be cool to try smoking- and you just kept on going. Sadly it wasn't cool then and isn't now because you regret ever putting that thing near your mouth.

Not trusting your gut- There are times you look back on when your inner voice told you 'no' and you went against it- only for it to stay with you even now. It has formed that basis of many of your conversations with your partner. However you've learned from it that your gut is a really good barometer for right and wrong and if it feels wrong- it's probably not the best idea to pursue it. This works for each other too.

Not getting more sleep- For years you have both run on little sleep because you were young and invincible but now it shows. You have dark circles and lines around your eyes from your hectic lifestyle and it's taken a toll on your health- but only now do you care.

You wish you could turn back the clock and go to bed earlier but so many things tempted you out of it. You feel old before your time going to bed at a reasonable hour but for once you realise the benefits of taking care of your body and your partner's too.

Not eating breakfast everyday- For years you went on empty until lunch time and then you realised you weren't very productive for the first part of the day. Now you make sure that you both have something on a morning to get you going. Neither of you can afford to lose your job for lack of productivity in the early hours.

Study commissioned by Yakult.

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