We’ve all heard the expression- ‘the cold shoulder’- and people in relationships are often all too familiar with the feeling or perception of being deliberately ignored by their partner. If this happens, here are just a few things that might help. 

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Look inwardly- Sometimes you project how you are feeling onto others- especially your partner. Your loved one may think everything is fine until you start to accuse them of giving you the cold shoulder. You may be out of sorts and attributing it to your significant other rather than taking note of how you are. Before starting an argument or blaming your partner- always look to yourself first.

Don't blame your partner for your feelings- You are responsible for how you react to any given situation, so try not to place blame at your partner's door when you feel a particular way. You have chosen to respond this way- so if you don't like it- it's perfectly within your control to change. Your reaction to their perceived coldness might be negative, however try to take a step back and evaluate before you jump in with a hasty response.

Don't withdraw along with them- If their behaviour is a bit irregular, it won't help matters to become distant yourself. Try to avoid a 'tit for tat' mentality as two wrongs won't make a right. You may need to give them some space but at some point, it might be wise to try and break the silence if they don't seem to want to.

Ask your partner for information- Rather than presuming anything, talk to your loved one and ask them how they feel about your relationship in general. This will give them the space to be open and honest and not give up information because they feel pressured through guilt.

Source: www.reliatonshipgold.com


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