Single? You’re not alone. It might seem like your Insta feed is constantly flooded with “I said yes” proposals, “boy done good” pics and “date night with this one” stories, but in actual fact, the percentage of people who are single has increased by more than 5% over the past few years. Enter ‘Generation Platypus’; the single AF generation, so-called because of the Platypus’ badass life of solitude - and the fact they are semi-aquatic creatures, so only occasionally get wet.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Platypuses don’t just ‘make the best out of’ single life, they rejoice in it. So whether you’ve chosen the single life, or the single life has chosen you - that’s okay. We are living in a time when being single is brilliant, and here are some reasons why:

You never have to settle

As a happily single girl you never feel like you need to ‘couple up’ in order to complete any of your goals - whether that’s making dollar, getting married in your swimwear on Good Morning Britain, or finding a plus one to take to your sister’s wedding. Instead, you complete yourself with your own goddamn success. And sometimes a vibrator...

You never have to break up with anyone

Getting dumped you can deal with; in fact, it makes you stronger. You channel your hate, anger and resentment - think ‘f*ck ‘em’ - and move on with your life in a far more determined way. Hurting someone else, however? That’s a little harder. If you’re single, you don’t need to spend months considering whether you really do love someone, or if you just really appreciate how nice they are… Instead, you can live in a happy state of whole-and-unbroken heartedness.

You can make plans knowing that nothing will get in the way

As a singleton, suddenly you become less of a flake. The relationships around you blossom, as you happily enter into commitments with friends, family and colleagues, and actually follow through with them. A 10 mile Tough Mudder in June? Sure! A spontaneous drink in the pub after work? Why not! A cheeky trip to The Box with the girls, resulting in the best sex you’ve ever had, with a guy who possibly works there as a contortionist? ABSOLUTELY.

You aren’t really ‘single’ anyway

Is it all too cliché (and suspiciously reminiscent of a meme) to say that you’re not really single anyway? That you’re just in a relationship with yourself? You buy yourself skinny flat whites, you take yourself out to see the latest ‘50 Shades,’ you drink copious amounts of wine by yourself, and plan spontaneous trips away with ‘Bae,’ your un-ironically named dog… While trying to refrain from saying you #LiveYourBestLife, essentially you live your best life and are the source of your own contentedness. Which is pretty cool.

Oh, and you don’t ever have to consider what the phrase ‘revenge body’ means

Does a platypus look like it counts calories?

Abbie Moujaes is the in-house dating expert at Badoo, which has over 370 million users worldwide:

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