

Nearly half of Brits would avoid the use of public transport to get them to the airport, when they are going on holiday.

An online survey took 4,667 British holiday makers and found that 47% would never opt for a bus or train to get them to the airport on time. They believed that if they did they would either miss their flight or be cutting it too close.

The company who conducted the survey, Parket, said that it was the busyness of public transport that put them off and that they feel they are being ripped off when travelling on it.


“With the privatisation of many modes of public transport and the price of fuel on the rise, trains and especially bus companies are incorporating more stops into the routes which seems to be heavily delaying some travellers”

“Simply hopping on the bus no longer seems to be a reliable way to get to the airport on time”

“When the fuel prices are bumped up we witness a sharp increase in the number of holiday goers searching for airport parking via our website. At first thought this seems rather strange, but on further research our recent survey reveals that the cost to convenience ratio is just not there anymore resulting in people making their own way” said Matthew Lobas from Parkat.co.uk

With the average Brit spending £554.40 on their summer holiday missing their flight due to something like public transport links or malfunctions does not bare thinking about. It is very important in this climate that families, who are finding it hard to save for their holiday in the first place, actually get to where they have paid and booked for.


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