Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

Cindy Crawford has banned her daughter from watching the hit TV show Hannah Montana.

The supermodel claims that the show, starring Miley Cyrus, teachers her young daughter to talk back to her.

7 year old Kaya apparently became rude and cocky after watching the hit teen show about a schoolgirl with a secret life of a pop star.

Crawford said: “I love Hannah Montana but she (Kaya) learns to be sassy from that show. I’ll say to her ‘I don’t let anyone talk to me like that. I’ll certainly not take it from a 7 year old in my own house.’”

Not the first person to ban the 15 year old megastar, last year it was reported that British mothers boycotted the TV show in their household after images of the teenager were published on the Internet wearing a wet white T-shirt, and no underwear.