Anne Hegerty wants to solve a "mystery" about her gran on 'DNA Journey'.

Anne Hegerty wants to solve grandmother mystery

Anne Hegerty wants to solve grandmother mystery

The 63-year-old TV quizzer is set to start filming the ITV show - which uses innovative DNA science to help celebrities trace their ancestors - in the new year, and she is determined to find out more about her paternal grandmother.

She said: "I want to know more about my grandfather’s parents, I want to know more about the Hegertys before they came over here and there is a mystery about my gran Hegerty that I want to know about as well."

The 'Chase' star is also keen to find out more about her family as she delves into her Irish past, admitting that she doesn't know an awful lot about them.

As quoted by The Sun newspaper's TV Biz column, she added: "I know my great-great grandfather was born in 1835 and by 1861 he was in London. I assume he came over here during the potato famine but I don’t know what happened to the rest of them."

Anne previously opened up about her Irish heritage, admitting that she has got "kind of three Irish lineages".

She told the Irish Mirror: "I don’t know if I'm supposed to tell you this, but I’m supposed to be doing that ITV show 'DNA Journey' but I know they are talking to my family but obviously they can’t tell me anything. So I’m kind of looking forward to finding some surprises.

"I’ve kind of got three Irish lineages. The Hegertys who came from Cork, and then the ascendancy Irish, the Breretons who settled in either Laois or Offaly or maybe a bit of both. And then the Scots Irish Paisleyites, who are the Johnsons from near Downpatrick.

"So yeah my grandmother was born in Scotland near Aberdeen. But both her parents were one of them was a Johnson and one of them was a Brereton so that is sort of like a closer connection than the Hegertys."