Introduced to Game of Thrones in its sixth season was character Euron Greyjoy, played by actor Pilou Asbaek. Killing his brother Balon upon his arrival and taking to the Salt Throne, he intends to rule with fear, and that’s something he echoes in a new interview.

Pilou Asbaek as Euron Greyjoy

Pilou Asbaek as Euron Greyjoy

Speaking to Empire, he said: “The psychos I’ve encountered have so many different sides to them. So each scene I’ve done with Euron, I pick a new thing I wanna show. This scene I want to be charming. This scene I wanna be a molester. This scene I wanna kill someone.”

Then comparing his character to the evil Ramsay Bolton – who died during the sixth season – he said: “After this season, Ramsay’s gonna look like a little kid.”

Exactly who he’ll be reigning terror down on is yet to be seen, but it’s likely he’ll have his eyes set on Theon and Yara Greyjoy, who threaten his claim to the Salt Throne.

Whatever the case may be, we should expect some big scenes from the character.

Game of Thrones returns to HBO in the US on July 16 and Sky Atlantic in the UK on July 17.

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