
18 October 2007

Neighbours-Testing Time

Rebecca’s claim that Paul is the biological father of Oliver is immediately dismissed and she’s labelled a con woman. But when she insists on a DNA test, everyone including ...
17 October 2007

Neighbours- Gasp From The Past

Unable to face the disastrous consequences of the accident he caused, Mickey runs away from home. Despite Ned and Steve’s best efforts to track him down, Mickey manages to elude ...
16 October 2007

Neighbours-Into Each Life

In the horrific aftermath of the bus crash, Carmella and Ringo are trapped inside as the vehicle threatens to explode. Ringo begins to lose consciousness, but not before declaring his ...
15 October 2007

Neighbours- A New Beginning

Only just making it to the church on time, Rosie and Frazer finally enjoy their dream wedding and Frazer even succeeds in escaping the confines of his wheelchair for his ...
12 October 2007

Neighbours-The Night Before The Shredding

Rosie isn’t convinced by her sister’s denial of an affair with Ringo so Frazer talks to Ringo again to make him see sense. But despite everyone’s good advice, Carmella and ...
11 October 2007

Neighbours- Some Brother Do Have Them

Carmella’s charmed by Ringo and, in a moment of weakness, almost lets him kiss her. When Rosie catches Ringo hiding under Carmella’s bed, she assumes his unreciprocated “crush” has turned ...
10 October 2007

Neighbours-Thorn In My Bride

Despite her best intentions, rebounding Carmella begins to enjoy Ringo’s infatuation. When Susan reminds Carmella of how young Ringo is, she again gets firm with him - they couldn’t possibly ...
9 October 2007

Neighbours-Mummy Fearest

Oliver's furious when Elle challenges Rebecca's ground rules. As Oliver gets to know his mother in private, Elle confides in Paul that she's convinced Oliver is going to get hurt ...
8 October 2007

Neighbours-Rash Behaviour

Oliver’s surprised at the intensity of his own fury when Rebecca walks out on him, and worries he’s left a particularly bad first impression. Elle reaches out to Oliver, who ...
5 October 2007

Neighbours-Beautiful One Day...

Oliver leaves a message on the machine of a woman who could be his mother, begging that she get in touch. To his surprise, she books a night at ...
4 October 2007

Neighbours-Beaten To The Punch

Sky persuades a reluctant Harold to tell Janelle the truth about Loris. In the meantime, Anne divulges Loris’s deceit to Janae and Bree. On the verge of possibly revealing all ...
3 October 2007

Neighbours-Keep The Ned Flag Flying

Believing Ned doesn’t share her romantic stirrings Janae sees her upcoming move to Cairns as the perfect way to forget her heartache. But Ned does feel the same way – ...
2 October 2007

Neighbours-Father Of The Pride

Carmella puts a stop to her almost-kiss with Ringo, but Ringo is now convinced that Carmella reciprocates his feelings. He decides the moral thing to do is to break-up with ...
1 October 2007

Neighbours-Past Tango

Oliver struggles to cope alone with the implications of his DNA results and finally breaks down to Elle, revealing Alan Napier is his grandfather, and therefore his parents weren’t the ...
28 September 2007

Neighbours-Bree For All

Greg Baxter arrives, determined to take Anne home to Cairns. But when Anne chooses the Timminses over the Baxters, Greg retreats to lick his wounds. Desperately needing his validation, Bree ...
27 September 2007

Neighbours-Anne On The Run

Anne Baxter returns to the overjoyed Timminses and Janelle wonders why Loris didn’t come back with her. Sky clocks that Anne’s hiding something on this score and asks Harold what ...
26 September 2007

Neighbours-Stepping Up To The Fate

After an anxious wait, Mickey’s given the all clear but Ned considers sending Mickey to his brother in Sydney, convinced he is incapable of protecting and caring for his son. ...
25 September 2007

Neighbours-Nobodys Pool

Faulty electrical wiring causes problems with the power at Number 30 – and a potentially lethal situation develops with an underwater pool light. Several housemates almost take the plunge ...
24 September 2007

Neighbours-Hard To Heart

Believing he’s playing Sky’s protector, Boyd gets into a verbal tussle with Caleb. Warning him to stay away from Sky, he only winds up aggravating Caleb’s heart condition. Sky gives ...
21 September 2007

Neighbours-Forgive Us Are Sons

Frazer finally learns the truth about his dead brother: A three-year-old Frazer stood by the pool and watched baby Paul drown. His mother Prue has been harbouring resentment for nearly ...
20 September 2007

Neighbours-All About My Brother

Frazer returns with Rosie to the town where he grew up to find out how his baby brother really died. His mother Prue warns Frazer not to stir up the ...
19 September 2007

Neighbours-The Baby Bitters Club

Ned flounders as Mickey, who’s missing his mum, fails to respond to Ned’s discipline. Janae comes to hapless Ned’s rescue and encourages Ned to come clean to Mickey about being ...
18 September 2007

Neighbours-Dazed And Transfused

Elle and Oliver give into their desires and sleep together. Both feel incredibly guilty - Carmella’s split with Oliver still fresh in their minds – but they can’t deny how ...
17 September 2007

Neighbours-Do The Fight Thing

Oliver and Carmella finally agree the pair of them should part ways. Elle finds him shacked up in one of the rooms at Lassiter’s and emotional Oliver admits he still ...