Mother's Day is an excuse to spoil our mums with love and gifts to show them how much they mean to us. Many of us recognise what our mums do for us on this day and all year round but do we think about the mothers of other species? Probably not.

Mother's Day on Female First

Mother's Day on Female First

The harsh reality is that many mums in the meat and dairy industry will not have the opportunity to spend Mother's Day or any day for that matter with their babies.

If you have children or even if you don't, take a moment to think about motherhood for other creatures. It's not hard to imagine how they might feel.

Take dairy cows for instance- they are artificially inseminated over and over again and when they do give both their babies are taken from them after only 24 hours. They have to produce 10 times more milk than their baby would ever need and worst of all, their baby never gets a drop- humans get the lot.

Mothers often get ill or endure painful bladder infections such as mastitis and live only a quarter of what they are supposed to before being sent to slaughter.

This is what mothers have to go through every day in the dairy industry.

We are the only species that drinks the milk of other animals and the only species that drinks milk beyond a point where we actually need it. Baby cows are around 100lb when young and the milk is designed to help them grow big and strong and reach 1,500lbs. Humans are not meant to be anywhere near that size, so the fact is- we don't need it.

Children were first given milk back in 1924 and schools still give it out today. Advertisements have us fooled into thinking that milk is something we need and must have as a fridge staple.

Cow's milk has become socially acceptable to give to babies despite that many claims that breastfeeding can lower the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

We hear that dairy is good for our bones because it is rich in calcium, however the research tells a different story.

The findings suggest that cow's milk saps the bones of its existing calcium. A vegan diet does not ensure strong bones- but osteoporosis is at its highest in countries with the largest dairy intake and lowest where dairy is consumed the least.

Contrary to popular belief, calcium is found in other sources; green leafy vegetables, almonds and tofu and more of the calcium is aborted when we eat such foods.

As people become more informed- they are learning that cow's milk is laden with hormones and antibiotics, so you really don't know what you're consuming when you reach for a glass of the white stuff.

Many people are also starting to suffer from lactose intolerance which has led to a decline in the consumption of dairy.

There are many pant based alternatives that have the same creaminess and consistency as cow's milk like almond, soya, oat, coconut, hemp, rice, hazelnut, with cashew coming soon; there is no need to drink anything from an animal we can hydrate with plants and a good old glass of water.

Spare a thought for mothers in the dairy industry on Mother's Day and mothers of other species.

They are just like any other mothers- when they give birth all they want is to take care of their children and raise them to be healthy adults. It brings them joy to do so.

They are sad, grieved and feel lost when their babies are taken away from them, just as you would be if your child were to be taken away from you.

One thing you can do on Mother's Day to help other animal mums is to go vegan- sign up to the 30 Day Vegan challenge

If you sign up to the 30 Day Vegan Pledge (, you'll receive daily emails of info, advice and delicious recipes.

Inspired by a piece from The Vegan Society written by Jimmy Pierce.

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