Stefanie Moir is one of the finalists in PETA's UK Hottest Vegan 2016 event. We spoke to her about what veganism means to her and the documentaries that influenced her decision.

Stefanie Moir

Stefanie Moir

You went vegan three years ago to live a healthier life - how does veganism help you to do this? Is it a healthier way to live?

I believe it is a healthier way to live yes. I feel energised and fuelled for my day. In the past I was always hungry and never satisfied after my meals, or I would feel lethargic, whereas now I feel full and energised!

You have watched many documentaries, so which one would you urge others to see to educate them more on veganism?

I would recommend three documentaries; Forks Over Knives for health, Cowspiracy for the environment and Earthlings for animal cruelty. All three combined show you the effects of veganism!

You also read lots of articles on veganism- so where is your favourite source of information?

To be honest, Google has all the information you need. I normally search for articles about veganism and look through lots of different webpages, so nowhere specifically!

When did you decide to set up a blog and how much does it help you to and others to promote this lifestyle?

I set up my blog around a year ago, but recently refurbed it! It really helps me spread the vegan message as I can post recipes on there along with my e-books, which means people visiting my blog can have access to lots of vegan food! I also share my favourite vegan make up, beauty products, skincare, etc.

You also run your own You Tube Channel so can you tell us a little bit more about this?

I started up my YouTube channel in April 2014 with the aim to show others that it is possible to be a fit and strong vegan individual, and specifically showing that it is possible to build muscle as a vegan. The only weight training I have ever done has been on a plant-based diet, so my muscles are truly built on plants alone! It also allows me to share easy and tasty vegan recipes online too.

What is the best feedback you have had from your channel and/or blog?

The best feedback I get is when my followers send me a message or email that is very personal, where they tell me how much my videos have helped them and in some cases changed their lives! It is mind-blowing when people reach out and share their stories with me, especially when I hear I have somehow helped them!

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