Sleep deprived- You get up rather than wake up because you have been up all night thinking about everything that could go wrong on the day. Will he get cold feet? Will the coeliac have an allergic reaction to the food? Will the flowers turn up? Will someone knock over the cake? Only dogs could hear your inner monologue right now if you were to verbalise it.

Weddings on Female First

Weddings on Female First

Sad- You start to think of those people who couldn't be with you on this day. A grandparent who has passed or someone special that couldn't make it due to illness and your heart feels heavy when you think of what they would have said about/ thought of the day.

Jealous- You are envious of everyone else in the world who can just get up today and go and take the dog for a walk or pop to the shops- while your time is running out for you to make one of the biggest gestures you can to another person.

Sick- You spend the whole morning feeling nauseous, hoping that its nerves and not your body telling you that you are getting married and are also pregnant. You can't deal with that right now too. You can't eat or drink anything without the fear of chucking up all over your dress and leaving vomit smears across your make up caked face.

Tearful- You are trying to hold back the tears but moments happen that make you well up again. When your mum sees you for the first time in your dress, when you give your bridesmaids their jewellery and a special note, when you realise that the next time you set foot in the room you will be a bride.

Shaky- Your nerves make you look like you have just got out of an ice bath- some of the petals on your flowers fall off and you doubt if you are going to be able to say your vows becasue it's like reading from something while you are in the car.

Unsteady- Your ankles are like jelly and you fear you might fall over going down the aisle because you have literally forgotten how to walk.

Thoughtful- You are quiet and when you do have to speak, you ask people questions but don't really hear the answers- the only thing you pay attention to is when the MOC says 'it's time'.

Alone- Although you are surrounded by people- people you love- the one person you share everything with is not there. If he was, you would be telling him about all of your worries- but he isn't and you can't tell anyone else because they can't handle you as well as he can in times of crisis.

Defeatist- When the wedding march starts up you adopt the attitude of 'well if it goes wrong now there is absolutely nothing I can do about it- so let's just do this!'

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