For all those ladies out there who need to give their man a little nudge on how to get this right, then show him the following. Or if you are not that bold then maybe drop a few of these into conversation next time marriage comes up!

Weddings on Female First

Weddings on Female First

When he is drunk

Everything seems like a good idea when you are drunk, even a proposal, but in the sober light of day the commitment is a little more than normal drunken antics result in.  It also implies that he needs a bit of Dutch courage when it comes to popping the question. Things could be said that he didn’t mean and he doesn’t exactly look his best when he's drunk. Slurring his words, drooling and swaying on the spot don’t exactly say- ‘pick me to be with for the rest of your life!’

In public

There have been some large scale proposals seen on You Tube of late, but most of us prefer to be alone when it’s done. It is about the couple after all and no-one else, so if you start as you mean to go on then no-one will get confused.  A proposal with 50 other people might say that you need other people’s involvement to do anything in your marriage, which is never good! It is a private moment too- you will declare your vows in front of family and friends why not have this one to yourself?

In an argument

An argument about something else which he can only resolve by popping the question, or as a means of getting you to shut up with a proposal, is never an ideal way to start your married life together. No-one should ever bribe someone to marry- it should be 100% because they want to do it!

Without a ring

We know some couples prefer to do it this way, if your guy is unsure of what ring to get or you are too indecisive to know what you want. But there is something unromantic when you are asked and you have nothing to show for it right away. You tell people and the first thing they ask is ‘can I see the ring?’. Once you get it and show it around the moment has passed.

Off the cuff

If he doesn’t plan at all for a proposal then it looks like he doesn’t really care about the you. A low key proposal in your house or during a picnic- great, but if he simply suggests that you do it without any real conviction, it can look like he has a better option, which isn’t really the tone you want from him!

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