Mia asks :

Hi Lucy,


Okay so my best friend told me who she likes (he goes out with someone though). And I stupidly told my other friend; she then told the boy’s best friend who then told her friend. My best friend doesn't know I told anyone yet and I just don't know what to do.

Our Reply

Hi Mia,


Gossip generally gets back to the source. So is it better to hear it from you than someone further down the line. I would suggest coming clean and telling her yourself. She will likely be angrier if she finds out from someone else, when clearly you have known all along.


She might have an issue with trusting you for a while, but if your friendship is strong enough then you should be able to work through it. If he is already going out with someone then there might be no possibility that anything will come of this. There is nothing wrong with having a harmless crush on someone, people get them all the time. If he knows, he knows. Once the gossip has become old news, this will all blow over.


All I would say is that if you do get back what you had with your friends, don’t betray her trust again.

Lucy x



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