Leah asks :

Hi Lucy,

My boyfriend sometimes gets in bad moods and I am always on the receiving end of it!! He will be very happy and in a good mood and all of a sudden he will change and be angry and upset, most if the time for no reason!! He says horrible things to me, threatens to end our relationship, ignores me for days, even weeks and then snaps out of his mood and acts like nothing had happened!! I love him and he is such an amazing boyfriend and father to our son when he is in a good mood, but I don't know how to handle his moods and deal with them!! Any suggestion of advice would really be appreciated.

Our Reply

Hi Leah,

Have you talked to him about it? This extreme change in his behaviours must be affecting him as much as it is you- as it takes a lot of energy to be angry and upset more than it does to be happy.

How is your home life otherwise? Is there anything that could be triggering these mood swings? Trouble at work? Money issues? Health issues? Perhaps if you ask him about it then there might be something he is not telling you that is worrying him.  You could try to focus on the good about him rather than the negative as this can be deflating- so reinforce how much you love him and enjoy his company when he is in a good mood. When things are going well perhaps make a point of thanking him when you enjoy his company and state how much you have treasured a day with him.

Maybe don’t labour the point but ask him how he would feel if you said and does the things he does to you- like leaving and ignoring you. Perhaps he would see things differently if the tables were turned. Sometimes when a person is in the middle of something they forget the impact it’s having on their loved ones and a bit of perspective can often help. If things persist and don’t get any better it might be worth asking him if he is willing to go and see the doctor because mood swings are symptomatic of depression so it could be that he needs to talk to a professional.


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