n/a asks :

Am I pregnant? I had unprotected sex on both July 13th and September 7th. After July 13th I took the morning after pill just after 72hours after it happened. After the 7th, I came on my period on the 9th (and after advice from a nurse) I didn't take the morning after pill as it wasn't necessary, but my period only lasted 2 days and it usually lasts 5/6 days. Since then I've had random stomach cramps, feeling sick and sore breasts. One thing that stood out to me is my discharge has turned a pinky, sometime rusty colour and there's been a lot more in the last 2 weeks.

Yin replies

If you took the morning after pill within the 72 hour window then you should be fine for the first instance where you had unprotected sex.

All of the symptoms you are experiencing can indicate pregnancy. Sore breasts, feeling sick and stomach cramps can all be a sign that your body is preparing for childbirth since your second time without protection. 

Yang replies

The pinky discharge is caused by the egg becoming fertilised, which embeds itself in the lining of the uterine around 1-2 weeks after having sex. Some of the blood that forms the lining of the uterus breaks free and falls into the vagina. As it makes its way through the cervix it becomes mixed with your normal discharge which turns it pink. It may also get darker if the blood is older.

Go and buy a pregnancy test or go to the doctors and get tested as soon as you can, as it will show up on tests now it has been a few weeks, then you can make an informed decision about what to do. 

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