Layla asks :

Hi Lucy,

So I like this guy and he likes me back. But there are so many things in our way. First of all he hasn't done anything we just told each other we had feelings for each other. Second of all, 2 weeks ago a friend of his told me that he's fixing him up with a girl, so I don’t know how that went. Third of all, I feel like the things he does and how he sees and does relationships aren't what I do and like. Please help

Our Reply

Hi Layla,

It is a good basis if you are both attracted to each other but relationships are much deeper than simply fancying the other person. If you have admitted that you both like each other the first hurdle is over because you both know if you ask each other out that there is a strong likelihood that neither of you will be rejected. The one thing that holds most people back.

If he hasn’t said or done anything to take it further then perhaps he doesn’t want it to materialise to anything more than a friendship. If he is still dating other people and you want to be monogamous then he might not be for you as he could want an open relationship. Or he might be waiting for you to ask him?

If your goals and ideals in relationships are not the same then this could prove to be damaging further down the line if you were to start dating. Things like that usually come out later on, so it’s probably a good thing that you have picked up on these differences now.

All three things point to this set up having a lot of barriers before you have even begun- so it might be worth looking for someone who shares the same values as you when it comes to being a couple.



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