Jade asks :

Hi Lucy,


Why do I feel so depressed? I can't help but feel so down about everything my job, my weight, my life. And what makes it worse I can't confide in anyone I just keep it to myself no one wants to hear someone moaning about life like they don't have enough problems in getting older and life is getting tougher I'm just so fed up.

Hi Jade,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

You say that no one wants to hear you moan- but have you tried talking to friends or family about this? They may be more willing and helpful then you think. Perhaps you would find it hard to listen to someone else's problems right now because there is a lot going on for you, which could be why you are reluctant to ask- because you assume that others will feel the same.

If there is no one you can approach with this I would suggest the first thing you do is make an appointment with your doctor and get a referral to a counsellor. If you don't have anyone you can talk to about this then you need someone as soon as possible.

When you feel down it can feel like a spiral affect whereby you feel bad about one thing then it extends to feeling bad about other areas of your life too.

It sounds like you need to take each one at a time and look at why you feel so discontented with it and then work with your counsellor to find ways to improve how you feel about them or make changes so you do.

Perhaps before your first session you could write down each thing that bothers you and why so if you are a little stuck for words on the day you can refer to it so you get the most from your time.

If there is waiting time in between then The Samaritans provide a listening service for those in distress or despair- they will not offer advice but simply listen to you. It sounds like this is what you need right now- someone who will give you the time to express your feelings and not let theirs interfere.

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