JB asks :

Hi Lucy, 

I'm feeling guilty, but I don't know what I'm feeling guilty about because I haven't done anything. 


Hi JB,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

Sometimes people can feel guilty for not doing something with their free time- this is perfectly normal.

Often we can feel guilty for doing very little with our time off work. We are programmed to spend every waking minute doing something in order to tell other people, post it on social media or simply justify what we have done with our day.

There is nothing wrong with taking a step back and having some time out if that is what you feel you need right now or what your body is telling you to do.

The only downside is that it gives you thinking time and often thoughts fall to what you could be doing.

It sounds like you need to find a happy a balance between doing activities and having a day or two to do nothing. That way you might feel less guilty about having some time off. All of one thing is not good for anyone but a change of pace in your week is arguably what you deserve if you have been busy for most of it.

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