
7 January 2024

Vegan fast food is no healthier than a meat burger

Vegan fast food is no healthier than meaty snacks. Researchers compared plant-based meals with meat alternatives at the 10 fast food chains with the most branches in Australia, Canada, Poland, the ...

7 January 2024

Food FOMO prevents people from dieting successfully

The fear of missing out (FOMO) prevents people from dieting. Research shows that people are worried about missing out on snacks such as chocolate and fish and chips when attempting to ...

7 January 2024

Wearing hearing aids reduces risk of an early grave

Hearing aids cut the risk of an early death by a quarter. US researchers have discovered that individuals with hearing loss were 24 per cent less likely to pass away early ...

7 January 2024

Dinosaurs have impacted the human ageing process

Dinosaurs have influenced human ageing. A new theory known as the "longevity bottleneck hypothesis" suggests that mammals faced persistent pressure for quick reproduction when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, likely leading to ...

7 January 2024

Scientists create brain chip to reduce risk-taking in monkeys

Scientists have developed a brain chip that reduces risk-taking in monkeys. A team of boffins at Kyoto University in Japan used flashes of light from implanted chips to trigger two separate ...

7 January 2024

Genetic link revealed between anorexia and early risers

People with anorexia are more likely to wake up early in the morning. New data shows that those with the eating disorder and mental health condition are more prone to being ...

26 December 2023

Apes have superb memories

Apes have excellent memories. Researchers have found that the primates are able to recognise photos of friends and family that they have not seen for 25 years. The experts used infra-red eye-tracking ...

26 December 2023

Alien discovery will cause panic amongst the human race

Humans will suffer "massive anxiety" if alien life is discovered. Experts believe that the human race isn't mentally ready for the shock of a close encounter and would end up questioning ...

26 December 2023

Scientists have had 20-minute chat with a whale

Scientists claim to have had a 20-minute conversation with a whale. An animal called Twain 'spoke' to researchers from the SETI Institute and University of California, Davis (UC Davis) after it ...

26 December 2023

Compassion helps you sleep at night

Compassionate people sleep better at night. Researchers in Finland have examined the relationship between compassion and sleep quality in over 1,000 young adults in the country over a period of 11 ...

26 December 2023

Eating chocolate improves a woman's mood

Chocolate makes middle-aged women happy. A new study has revealed that tucking into the treat every day for eight weeks was linked to reduced feelings of negativity, depression and anxiety. The antioxidant ...

26 December 2023

Dogs with dark eyes are seen as more friendly

Dogs are seen as less threatening if they have dark eyes. Experts believe that humans could have driven their popularity as man's best friend descended from wolves over thousands of years ...

26 December 2023

Monkeys yield to peer pressure

Monkeys give in to peer pressure. A nine-year study conducted on Vervet monkeys has revealed that social traditions are transferred through different communities of animals. Boffins from the University of Lausanne in ...

26 December 2023

Experts invent death calculator to predict when people pass away

Scientists have built a calculator that predicts when a person will die. The algorithm uses information about a person's health, education, job, income, addresses and working patterns to establish how long ...

26 December 2023

Lionfish at SEALIFE Manchester named after Mary Earps

A lionfish at SEALIFE Manchester has been named after England goalkeeper Mary Earps. The renaming of the fish has been carried out in honour of the footballer winning BBC Sports Personality ...

26 December 2023

Christmas treats cause baldness

Christmas makes men go bald. A study has warned that eating too many mince pies and quaffing sugary drinks during the festive period contributes to hair loss. One in four men in ...

26 December 2023

Viagra keeps Christmas trees upright

Viagra prevents Christmas trees from drooping. Researchers say that putting the little blue erectile dysfunction pill in a fir's water supply keeps its branches erect for longer. Viagra boosts blood flow in ...

26 December 2023

Scientists issue warning about champagne cork injuries

Champagne bottles should come with a health warning. Doctors argue that bottles should have screw caps as corks can shoot out at 50mph and cause possible blindness to anybody struck in ...

26 December 2023

Sleeping less makes you miserable

Getting less sleep reduces enthusiasm. A scientific review has analysed 154 studies on sleeping over more than half a century involving more than 5,700 people aged between seven and 79. Sleeping less ...

26 December 2023

Santa uses science to get presents across the world

Father Christmas uses quantum entanglement to deliver presents across the world. The UK Government's Chief Scientific Adviser Dame Angela McLean has revealed Santa's scientific secrets in a "leaked" conversation with the ...

26 December 2023

Smelling female tears makes men less aggressive

Sniffing a woman's tears reduces aggression in men. Humans and dogs are the only species that shed tears when overcome with emotion and experts at the Weizmann Institute of Science in ...

26 December 2023

RAF base tracked UFO during the 1980s

Experts were left puzzled when a missile warning base tracked a UFO. Officials at RAF Fylingdales in North Yorkshire ordered a secret probe after spotting the "unknown target" back in 1981. RAF ...

18 December 2023

European capitals swap fir Christmas trees for Furbtrees

Capital cities across Europe are swapping fir trees for Furbtrees. Videos of Christmas trees covered with fuzzy toys are puzzling people online as both residents and tourists have spotted clips and ...

18 December 2023

Soothing tennis sounds reduce anxiety levels

The sound of tennis can ease anxiety. Research has revealed that the soothing noise of the thwack of a tennis racket against the ball can reduce stress levels by up to ...