Dream Interpretation

26 September 2021

National Shamu the Whale Day: What does it mean to dream about whales?

Whales are the biggest animals on the planet, and are stunning, admirable beasts. They seem to spread love and care among them; but what does it mean to dream about ...
21 September 2021

The power of dream journaling: How it can lead to sweeter dreams

Leah is a hypnotherapist and wellbeing writer. She also runs courses teaching people how to have lucid dreams, and workshops in poetry therapy and writing for wellbeing: www.themoonlab.net. We all know ...
16 September 2021

What does it mean to dream about Pumpkins?

While it is only September (2021), Halloween is just around the corner. Many people are already thinking about the spooky holiday, and are on their way to decorate their homes ...
4 September 2021

What does it mean to dream about the cold?

September is here, and while that doesn’t mean winter is, it does mean that this year (2021) will be getting just that little bit colder each day. Winter for many ...
27 August 2021

National Back To School Month: What does it mean to dream about school?

Since August is ‘National Back To School Month’, we decided to list seven meanings that can come from dreaming about school; from being late to a lesson to homework. A ...
23 August 2021

What does it mean to dream about travelling?

Dreams can, as we know, mean a multitude of things, and can perhaps even change your daily life and how you live it. Since the world, after the height of ...
14 August 2021

Seven of the most common dreams you can have

Many people have some very specific dreams, possibly containing someone they know or a situation that relates to them in particular. However, many of us have rather generic dreams; here ...
29 July 2021

National Lipstick Day: What does it mean to dream about this beauty product?

Dreaming about this particular beauty product can correlate to feelings and concepts that strongly relate to love, happiness, and passion. Be careful, however, as this item can also have connotations ...
22 July 2021

National Mango Day: What does it mean to dream about the delicious, sweet fruit?

As we know, dreams can contain a million different things, and derive a multitude of meanings from them. Today (July 22nd, 2021) marks National Mango day, and to dream about ...
21 July 2021

Seven dreams that you should never ignore

Dreams can be a beautiful gateway leading away from reality, somewhere calming where our worries can’t catch up to us; this isn’t always the case, however. Some dreams have deep ...
21 July 2021

What does it mean to dream about Pizza?

Junk food can be a part of cheat days, weekend movie nights, or just an easy meal after working all day. Today (July 21st, 2021) marks National Junk Food Day, ...
17 July 2021

What does it mean to dream about tattoos?

Dreaming about a tattoo can mean a multitude of things, and often, the meaning can change depending on who the tattoo was on, and what the tattoo was of. Tattoos ...
15 July 2021

Dreams can come true: How to use dream incubation approaches

Leah is a hypnotherapist and wellbeing writer. She also runs courses teaching people how to have lucid dreams, and workshops in poetry therapy and writing for wellbeing: www.themoonlab.net. As your ...
6 June 2021

What does it mean to dream about breakfast?

 To dream about breakfast suggests you are about to start something in your waking hours.  The dream is dependent on how you feel about this new beginning in your life. ...
3 June 2021

What does it mean to dream about a bike?

Riding a bike successfully is about balance. So perhaps this dream refers to the balance you have in your life right now or indeed, the lack of balance you feel ...
3 June 2021

What does it mean to dream about feet?

If you see feet in your dream, it’s symbolic of foundation and stability. Perhaps you need to be more practical and sensible in your waking hours and keep both feet ...
3 June 2021

What does it mean to dream about repetition?

To dream about repetition suggests that something in your life may be annoying you.  You have a constant source of irritation and it’s getting you down. What can you do ...
3 June 2021

What does it mean to dream about eggs?

The simplest interpretation of an egg is conception- so it’s possible you are about to embark on something new or crave for some change in your waking life. It could ...
2 June 2021

What does it mean to dream about a chicken?

To dream about chicken might reflect feelings of insecurity. Perhaps you lack confidence right now and it’s making you act like a coward in certain situations. Do you lack in ...
2 June 2021

What does it mean to dream about a road?

If you dream about a road, perhaps you feel like your path in life is a difficult one. You may need to put in a lot fo work to get ...
2 June 2021

What does it mean to dream about a rock?

Dreaming about a rock is commonly associated with the phrase- ‘solid as a rock’. Rocks are symbols of strength, stability and permanence. Perhaps you aspire to be a person who’s ...
2 June 2021

What does it mean to dream about running?

The meaning of running in your dream depends on whether you were running towards or away from something. If you were running towards something positive- then you might be heading ...
1 June 2021

What does it mean to dream about pineapple?

Pineapples are often associated with vacations or exotic locations so you may need to take a rest away from work or book a holiday to get some well-needed recuperation. With ...
21 May 2021

What does it mean to dream about curly hair?

To dream about curly hair suggests that you think differently to those around you.  This may be a natural way of thinking for you- something that has always been present ...