Loyal dog supports mutt mate

Loyal dog supports mutt mate

A loyal dog stayed with an injured stray for three days until help arrived.

''It is very rare for two dogs who don't know each other to be so inseparable. They must have lived together. She would have starved before leaving him.''

On the Greek island of Zakynthos, an 18-month-old pointer cross, stayed with her companion, a two-year-old setter-cross, who had been shot 38 times with an air rifle and left for dead in a ditch.

The injured dog was neck deep in water for three days, until the pointer-cross was able to bark at pedestrians and solicit attention.

After receiving medical attention in Greece, both dogs were brought to Holbrook Animal Rescue in West Sussex.

They have been nicknamed Romeo and Juliet, after the lovers in Shakespeare's play.

Animal rescue spokeswoman Laura Santini said: ''It is very rare for two dogs who don't know each other to be so inseparable. They must have lived together. She would have starved before leaving him.''

The animal centre hopes that the pair will be re-homed together.