1) When I'm having a tough day or I've been so busy I feel like I can't get a break, I sit down and read my gratitude list, and 10 times out of 10 I feel fantastic by the time I've finished reading it! Sit down, right now! And write a list of all the things you are grateful for and read it every day, the feeling that you generate from doing this will empower and inspire you.

77 Ways to Reshape Your Life

77 Ways to Reshape Your Life

2) No one is good at EVERYTHING. Rather than get down about the things you aren't good at, focus on the things you are good at. This will not only make you more productive, it will boost your self esteem. Recognising the things you excel at will move your life in the right direction.

3) What do you love? Doing things that you love naturally generates good feelings and energy. For me personally, the activity I love most is Thai Boxing, so I actively choose to make as much time as possible in my week to box. This has a knock-on effect on my entire week, lifting my mood, my energy levels and my positivity.

4) Every morning I wake up and do what I love, this is a huge part of why I'm so successful at what I do…. and that is why this point is so important! To have a truly successful life you need to have more than just a healthy bank balance, you need a healthy body, healthy relationships and a healthy lifestyle. Find things in your life that you love and that fulfil you, be it your career or your hobby, you HAVE TO find and FOLLOW your passion

5) This may sound blunt, but it's the truth: You MUST take responsibility for your choices and your actions and for where that has led your life and your body. You have a choice to move on and move away from your past actions and behaviours, and to change your life for the better. It will be your choices today and every day in the future that will truly enable you to reshape your life. The choices and decisions you've made in the past are not the complete sum of who you are today. The past is exactly that - in the past and you can and must allow yourself to move forward. Just remember, when it comes to your thoughts, your feelings and how you treat your body, you always have a choice.

6) The World is continually changing and developing through the imagination of men and women that have complete faith in their capacity to go where no one has been before, or to do what others say is impossible. So start today. Be inspired. Believe.

7) Listen to your heart and your instincts. In life we have to take risks as nothing comes with a guarantee, the best hope you have is to follow what you feel is right and trust that you know what is best for you.

8) How many hours a day do you spend daydreaming? Now put that time to good use! Give your daydreams some focus and begin projecting what you want into the future that will soon be yours.

9) Staying focused on your goals is going to require a huge amount of positivity, especially when life throws you a curve ball. People or things in your life that are unsupportive or generate self doubt are always going to hold you back and for you to fulfil your potential and achieve your goals you will certainly need to leave behind some of your old habits …or pals.

10) The only thing stopping you is YOU. So what are you waiting for? What is left to think about or decide? The difference in life between people that do and don't get results, be it at home, or work or with their body is one simple factor. Taking action

This is an extract taken from 77 Ways to Reshape Your Life (Panoma Press) written by Jean Pierre de Villiers. It is available to download as an eBook from OpenBooks.com