Disaster strikes the UK! Can Motley Crue save the world?From Roy T. Wood, the maker of Celebrity Death Match, DISASTER is coming to the UK on the 23rd April 2007 and only Tommy Lee and the Motley Crue can save the day…There is a planetoid on course for Earth. Volcanologist HARRY BOTTOMS has assembled a crack team of DISASTER specialists to combat the impending end of the world, but can they succeed? The team, including MAJOR SANDY MELLONS, V.D JOHNSON and DONKEY DIXON, have joined forces with an ASSA (American Space Studies Administration) flight crew and a flatulent French astronaut. Numerous complications hound the mission… including the hazardous gas passed by Bidet and an angry space monkey!With their knowledge from Hollywood blockbusters; Armageddon, Twister, Alive, Deep Impact and Apollo 13, can these unlikely heroes save us from DISASTER…A MESSAGE FROM ROY T. WOOD

“When the producers of DISASTER! Told me that I would be responsible for saving the planet Earth, I thought, ‘Dear God, not again.’ Why can’t someone taller save the Earth this time? Why not Bruce Willis? He did it in Armageddon? How about Will Smith or Tommy Lee Jones? We all saw their work in Men In Black and Independence Day. All three are nicer looking, smarter, longer, and clearly taller than I am – so why can’t they do it? WHY ME? Why me indeed. You want to know? I’m putting my money on the little people. And when I say little, I mean little. Twelve inch action figures. ACTION FIGURES! They’re not called action figures for no reason! Damn, I’m telling you, they mean ACTION! And check out some of the figures on dem bitches!!”Disaster