It's another typically awkward morning over at Rachel's place. Not only have her pancakes turned out like hubcaps, but neither Kim nor Hugh wish to share them. The only company she has during breakfast turns out to be Ingrid.You remember, she's the woman who bedded Hugh a few nights ago - and she seems to have mistaken a special sort of cuddle for grown-ups for a proposal of marriage. Rachel, who is more confused about her feelings for Hugh than Colleen is about which shoe goes on which foot, has to grit her teeth while Ingrid waxes lyrical about Hugh's "emotional availability". She quickly diagnoses a case of too much Cosmo before sending her unwanted guest packing. SnappingMeanwhile, Kit and Kim are cosying up on the sofa talking about Archie when Colleen pops by with a gift.

It's a voucher to have some family photos taken, and they organise to have them done that morning.

Note how Rachel doesn't factor into their plans. This is mainly because she's in the diner, giving Hugh an earful over the way he's treated Ingrid.

"Remind me again why you've taken this sudden interest in my sex life?" he sneers, as Irene does an impression of Münch's The Scream in the background.

"I'm just trying to figure out when you got shallow about women", Rachel retorts. The bickering continues for about 25 minutes, and we are all relieved when the scene ends.


Down on the beach, Kim and Kit are doing their best MySpace pouts. We can tell that Prue, the photographer, is artistic because she's wearing a bandana.

Kit is unsettled when Prue assumes that they're married - let's face it, she'd have his ring on her finger like a shot - and Rachel has to put on a brave face when she realises that she's being left out again.

Later that day, Kim placates Rachel over the photoshoot; in return, she reveals all (well, most) about her earlier row with Hugh.

Kim tells her to sort it out; it'd be foolish to let something like this wreck their friendship.

However, when Rachel finally meets up with Hugh, he has some startling news to impart.

"You don't have to go", Rachel sniffs, after he reveals that he's moving into Martha's place.

"I think you and I both know that I do", he replies, before clicking his heels and disappearing. Shocking stuff, we're sure you'll agree.

But not as shocking as the 1000 volts of electricity that singe Kim's eyebrows when he plugs in a dodgy cable down at the boat wharf.

Oh, come on, like we ever leave you without a cliffhanger on a Friday teatime...

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