DNA testing has proved the late funk legend JAMES BROWN fathered one more child - the third such case since his death last year (06). Dozens of people underwent foolproof DNA analysis after claiming to be the offspring of the late star - and now Brown's attorney and longtime friend Buddy Dallas confirmed on Monday (20Aug07) one more result came back positive, bringing the total to three.While Dallas refuses to release any details as other tests are pending, one of the first new-found children LaRhonda Pettit has already gone public with the results of her test - a 99.99 per cent probability she is the soul man's daughter.Pettit - the spitting image of the soul legend - claims that Brown picked out her mother from the audience at a Los Angeles gig in the early 1960s, and she soon became the singer's girlfriend.Brown died of heart failure aged 73 last year (06).