Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera really has dragged the unveiling of her new single out, and whilst we’d be super excited if we were a 13-year old girl who was opening a musical advent calendar we’d be super excited right now. Sadly, we just think it’s about time she got on with it.

That said, Xtina’s comeback single is cracking as we don’t think she has to worry about competing with GaGa and Katy Perry, this old girl’s still got it. Whatever ‘it’ is - she’s all over it.

An empowering anthem, this is certainly going to be a big winner in 2010’s summer club scene and proves that even with a year or two of swapping microphones for nappies, she’s not lost her edge.

Have a listen to the single using the player below and let us know what you think… will you be buying it? I know I expect to see it on the next Now That’s What I Call Music!

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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