Peter Andre

Peter Andre

Peter Andre's backside has "taken a serious pounding" over the last week on a bike ride.

The charitable reality TV star is in Zanzibar completing a charity bike ride and the going has been tough, leaving him aching all over.

He said: "The other day, we did 89km in the sweltering heat. What a killer! I never thought I'd be saying this, but my backside has taken a serious pounding and my legs are completely demolished! But, somehow, you just push through and if this trip has taught me one thing, it's the incredible things your body is capable of doing."

The ride is raising money for charity Health Improvement Project Zanzibar (HIPZ), a charity close to the heart of Peter's girlfriend, Emily MacDonagh, as her father does a lot of work with them.

He added in new! magazine: "We visited a hospital which has been completely transformed by money raised by HIPZ, and it's been so inspiring to see. I'm now hoping that the cash raised from this charity ride will be able to bring another hospital up to the same standard. Thank you again to everyone who's sponsored me and my poor, aching limbs."