Bono To Guest Edit Vanity Fair.... U2 frontman Bono will serve as guest editor for the July (07) issue of style magazine Vanity Fair.The Irish singer has also had stints guest editing British newspaper The Independent and France's Liberation.Bono, who has campaigned for debt relief and poverty reduction in Africa and focused attention on Aids, will include special stories about the continent in the issue.Editor Graydon Carter tells the New York Times, "Bono will make a different issue about Africa than we would."I think there isn't one editor in the world who would not pay attention if Bono pulled up and said he wanted to edit a magazine."The singer said he was attracted to the opportunity to edit the magazine because of its ability to tell stories well.He adds, "We need to get better at storytelling. We've got to get better at telling the success stories of Africa in addition to the horror stories."Carter described the stories about Africa as a "tough sell," but said he thought the combination of Vanity Fair and Bono would appeal to readers.

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