Agyness Deyn

Agyness Deyn

Agyness Deyn is getting a taste for the music business following her recent singing debut alongside New York indie band Five O'Clock Heroes- and now she's launching her own band.

The supermodel revealed she has already formed her own band- with real songs and everything!

She told NME that her group Gene Jacket have written some exciting songs ready for release: "We've got three of four songs. We wrote a really cool song at Coachella actually, which was exciting. It's called 'Hotel,' " she told t he magazine.

"We wrote another one called 'Yellow Tights.' It sounds like The Vaselines, The Moldy Peaches, maybe a bit like Animal Collective."

"Just sounds, experimenting with stuff. I've always loved music. I started playing guitar a few years ago and I'm not Jimi Hendrix or anything, but it's relaxing to play some music."

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