Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift spent 2009 grabbing headlines as she catapulted herself into the Country Music limelight with her enigmatic new album Fearless and her highly publicised relationship with Joe Jonas. I caught up with the beautiful Taylor to find out what 2009 holds for her.

Hey Taylor, how’s it going; are you all snowed in?

No! It’s not snowing over here, I live in Tennessee so it’s actually pretty warm here right now but I just got back from Toronto where it was soooo freezing!

What else is happening at the moment for you then?

It’s really exciting for me at the moment; I just announced my first Europe headlining tour for this tour and I’m really excited for that and I’ve been planning it all and I’m actually on my way to rehearsals right now, so that’s my number one priority at the moment.

How has the reaction to your new record Fearless been?

I am still blown away from the wonderful reaction to the record, from the things the critics have said to the fact that people are actually going out and buying the album. I think the best thing for me is when it topped the harts because I don’t think I ever predicted that would happen! So it’s definitely been a great couple of months for me, I am so excited and so happy.

How would you describe your sound in five words?

Lyrical - because it’s written about love. It’s hard to categorise my sound I guess, but they’re all about love.

To anyone who hasn’t heard of you yet, what one song would you recommend they listen to so that they fall in love with you?

Well it depends on what kind of day you’re having. If you’re happily in a relationship your should listen to Love Story. If you’re sad and depressed, listen to You’re Not Sorry. I think that those two are my top two today, but it changes daily!

Who do you think is the best musician around at the moment?

Keith Urban; I love Keith Urban so much, he‘s a great guitar player. He’s one of my favourites and I’m actually going on tour with him this summer and I’m really excited about that.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

There was a performance I did for the ACM (Academy Of Country Music) awards where I sang my song Should Have Said No and at the end of the song, all of this water started pouring down from the ceiling and it was like a down pour on the stage and I was just playing underneath all this water and it was so much fun!

Also performing on Saturday Night Live was a great highlight for me.

So if you could change one thing about your life or career at the moment, what would it be?

I would go to the UK more! I love it over there, especially when it’s snowing!

No! It’s cold and you can’t land in London! How do you cope with the hoards of media attention you must be getting?

Well I live in Nashville rather than LA or New York so I don’t have to deal with the paparazzi or anything so it takes a lot of the stress off me but it’s hard going out to the Mall or for something to eat because people want pictures or autographs, but essentially it’s a good thing because it’s what you’ve always wanted so I never want to be that girl who wants something so badly her entire life and then hates it when she gets it.

You also have a project with Levi’s going on at the moment, what’s that all about?

It’s actually a line of sundresses for Walmart that are really light and basic and pretty and they’re going to be really inexpensive, like $14 (£7) and with the economy doing what it’s doing it doesn’t make any sense to put out expensive dresses. These are cute and affordable!

If they come to the Asda over here I will definitely buy one! Anyway, we ask everyone we interview to come up with a question for the next person we interview, and Jem wants to know, “What one song do you sing in the shower?”

Metro Station - Shake It. I love that song, it’s been stuck in my head like crazy.

So can you come up with a question for the next person I interview please?

What’s the best Valentine’s Day you ever had?

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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