Reverend Run has vowed never to make a musical comeback with hip-hop group Run DMC after the tragic shooting death of the group's co-founder Jason Mizell.Run, real name Joseph Simmons, and Mizell became hip-hop pioneers in the 1980s alongside fellow group member Darryl McDaniels. and though the rapper admits he has fond memories of the group's hitmaking career, he insists he hasn't entertained any thoughts of a reunion since Jay's 2002 death.He says, "The bottom line is, when you think about Run DMC you think about Jam Master Jay, and, if you come to a Run DMC concert, you would wanna hear the music that we made in 1986."But Run admits he has found ways to continue capitalising on his group's success without releasing new music or planning comeback concerts: "We (have) got T-shirts, books, (my U.S. reality-TV show) Run's House and I went on tour with Kid Rock."

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