Aliens may have created the universe in a laboratory.

Aliens could have created the universe in a lab

Aliens could have created the universe in a lab

Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb claims that he is only days away from proving that extraterrestrial life exists and thinks that the little green men may have been advanced enough to build "baby" new worlds and create Earth under laboratory conditions.

Professor Loeb explained that the human race does not have the knowledge to combine two vital elements of physics - quantum mechanics and gravity - to create worlds.

He told Scientific America magazine: "A more advanced civilisation might have accomplished this feat and mastered the technology of creating baby universes."

The expert recently claimed that he is on the brink of producing scientific proof that aliens are real.

Loeb is expecting the results of tests on fragments of a meteor that plunged to Earth in 2014, which he suspects could have come from an extraterrestrial spaceship.