Beer is good for the immune system.

Beer is actually good for the gut

Beer is actually good for the gut

New research has discovered that drinking pints in moderation is better for gut health than abstaining completely as the drink contains several vital ingredients that grow bacteria to benefit the gut.

The study, conducted by Dalian Medical University in China, has found that polyphenols, fibre and ethanol in beer are essential to boosting the immune system.

The experts even claim that future products known as health beers could prevent conditions such as heart disease and improve blood circulation.

However, the team warned that the benefits of boozing only applied to moderate drinkers.

The academics wrote in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition: "There is a consensus that moderate beer consumption has a beneficial effect on the immune system compared to states of alcohol abuse or abstinence.

"The risk of death is lower in light and moderate drinkers and increased in heavy drinkers."