Hackers use fridges to steal information online

Hackers use fridges to steal information online

Hackers are using fridges to steal information online.

''Enterprises may find distributed attacks increasing as more and more of these devices come on-line and attackers find additional ways to exploit them.''

California security firm Proofpoint has reported that the household appliances were among a number of web-connected devices used by a criminal gang to send out 750,000 scam emails between December 26 2013 and January 6 2014.

By attaching corrupted documents to the emails, hackers can gain access into computer systems and steal valuable information.

The massive data theft operation used a new range of web-based 'smart' fridges - which warn users when food is out of date - as well as hifi systems and routers to commit attacks.

General manager of Proofpoint's Information Security division, David Knight said: ''Enterprises may find distributed attacks increasing as more and more of these devices come on-line and attackers find additional ways to exploit them.''

Samsung and LG are amongst some of the companies who currently sell the at risk appliances.

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