Cincinnati Zoo have named their first ''zoo baby'' of 2016 after the late singer David Bowie.

Cincinnati zoo name new penguin Bowie

Cincinnati zoo name new penguin Bowie

The penguin weighs 1.6 ounces and joins 32 other ''little penguins'' in the largest colony in the U.S.

The zoo chose Bowie on the music icon's birthday January 8.

Beside a picture of Bowie on their Facebook page, they wrote: ''Meet Bowie, the first Zoo Baby of 2016! Elvis and Bowie were popular suggestions because today is the birth date of both Elvis Presley and David Bowie. The penguin keepers chose Bowie because we already have a king penguin named Elvis.''

David Bowie passed away on Sunday (10.01.16) after an 18-month battle with cancer.

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