Walking to work on a daily basis can reduce your risk of a heart attack.

Walking to work can prevent a heart attack

Walking to work can prevent a heart attack

A new study shows that employees who commute on foot for 45 minutes in total have better heart health than those who rely on cars or public transport to get to work.

Blood tests showed that they have much lower levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a harmful molecule that is known to be linked with an increased risk of blood clots that can cause heart attacks or strokes.

Scientists at the University of Eastern Finland tracked over 6,000 men and women to see how they got to work and back and found that those who walked for 45 minutes - just over 20 minutes each way - had CRP levels 18 per cent lower than other commuters.

The team said: "Forty-five minutes a day is associated with lower levels of inflammation.

"Promoting active modes of transport such as walking could lead to population-level health benefits."