Eating lots and sunbathing on the first day of a holiday can beat jet lag.

Eating plenty of breakfast can beat jet lag

Eating plenty of breakfast can beat jet lag

Researchers in Illinois and New Mexico have studied the impact that light and food has on the circadian rhythm - the body's internal clock.

The boffins found that eating more food earlier in the day and soaking up plenty of natural light quickens the amount of time that the body takes to recover from changing time zones.

The researchers also suggested avoiding midnight snacks as eating later at night causes an imbalance to the circadian rhythm.

Study author Dr. Yitong Huang, of Northwestern University in Illinois, said: "Having a larger meal in the early morning of the new time zone can help overcome jet lag.

"Constantly shifting meal schedules or having a meal at night is discouraged, as it can lead to misalignment between internal clocks."