A horny monkey has been caught trying to have sex with a deer.

Horny monkey humps deer

Horny monkey humps deer

The cheeky creature stunned researchers when he was caught on camera trying to bounce up and down on the animal twice its size on Yakushima Island, Japan.

But the monkey took things one step further when his first mate was unsuccessful as he leapt across to another deer - of the same size - clung on to its fur and thrusted into its spine before being shaken off by the animal.

Marie Pelé of the University of Strasbourg in France, told the New Scientist: ''It could be a manifestation of the known play behaviour between Japanese macaques and the deer they are known to sometimes ride.''

Team member Sueur Cedric added: ''Sexual interaction between non-closely-related species is very rare to observe. It would be interesting to continue to observe these Japanese macaque male groups in Yakushima as this species is known to display cultural behaviours and social learning.''