Someone has been defecating in golf holes on a course in Norway for the past decade.

It's a poop in one: man defecates golf course

It's a poop in one: man defecates golf course

The serial plopper has repeatedly soiled the course at Stavanger Golf Club and has a couple of ''favourite holes'' where the culprit likes to do their business.

Groundskeeper Kenneth Tennfjord is determined to find the mystery toilet troublemaker and is convinced he's looking for a man because of the size of the stools.

Tennfjord told Norwegian paper Rogaland Avis: ''He has a couple of favourite holes. And we know it is a man because the poos are too massive to be from a woman!''

Club managing director Steinar Floisvik added: ''Our idea is that it could be someone who, for unknown reasons, hates the game of golf. Alternatively, the person may have a fetish or suffer from mental problems.''