Magic mushrooms and LSD could "jump start" coma patients back into the real world.

Magic mushrooms could assist coma patients

Magic mushrooms could assist coma patients

The world-leading psychedelic scientist Professor Robin Carharrt-Harris has revealed that "interest is growing" in the subject as vegetative conditions are "currently beyond the reach of conventional medicine".

Psychedelics boost brain activity and could ease a person's experience while bed-bound in hospital, although Professor Carharrt-Harris knows that sending unconscious patients on a trip is a moral dilemma.

The Imperial College London scientist said: "Psychedlics might give the patient an enrichment of phenomenal consciousness, but it may not necessarily bring back their cognitive functions or self-awareness.

"We simply don't know - and that's one of the reasons these situations are so sensitive.

"Despite these challenges, the interest in researching psychedelics for disorders of consciousness is growing."