BBC Springwatch presenter catches burglar by mistake

BBC Springwatch presenter catches burglar by mistake

A BBC 'Springwatch' presenter caught a local burglar on camera whilst attempting to film badgers, hedgehogs and other wildlife during the night.

After setting up the ''fox cam'' in his back garden, Simon King was shocked to find that the device - intended to catch a rare glimpse of nocturnal urban animals - had instead recorded the movements of an unwanted intruder.

The clip - which includes a defined image of the burglar's shocked face - was then offered to the police.

Mr. King later tweeted that they were ''delighted'' with the breakthrough.

The man is wanted in connection with a break-in at a home in South London after his attempt to sneak over a neighbouring fence was caught by the sensor activated cameras.

He is reported to have fled empty handed following the disturbance at 3.45am on January 12.

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