A person rang for an ambulance after eating too much kebab.

Someone called for ambulance after too much kebab

Someone called for ambulance after too much kebab

The Welsh Ambulance Service has urged people to only make 999 calls for appropriate reasons to avoid putting the team under unnecessary stress.

A transcript released by the organisation sees an operator ask: "Tell me exactly what's happened."

The caller replied: "Yesterday evening, we had some kebab, and I might have had a little bit more than I’m used to, then this morning, I've had a very painful stomach."

Someone else called in because their hand was stuck in their letterbox, while yet another wanted help finding their false teeth.

Welsh Ambulance Service executive director of paramedicine Andy Swinburn said: "Inappropriate calls put additional strain on an already over-stretched service...

"Our plea to the public is to apply your common sense - most people know the difference between a real emergency and something that is uncomfortable, painful or irritating but not life-threatening."