The world's only spotless giraffe has been born at a zoo in Tennessee.

The world's only spotless giraffe has been born in Tennessee

The world's only spotless giraffe has been born in Tennessee

The female giraffe was born last month at Bright's Zoo and is solidly brown and has none of the spots that are associated with the long-necked animals.

In a press release, Bright's Zoo stated: "Giraffe experts believe she is the only solid-coloured reticulated giraffe living anywhere on the planet."

According to the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, reticulated giraffes - which typically have brown and orange spots - were listed as endangered in 2018.

The zoo's director David Bright said that the last known record of a spotless giraffe was at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo back in 1972 and founder Tony Bright thinks that rare animal has put a "much-needed spotlight" on the plight of the creatures.

He told the local TV news station WCYB: "The international coverage of our patternless baby giraffe has created a much-needed spotlight on giraffe conservation.

"Wild populations are silently slipping into extinction, with 40 per cent of the wild giraffe population lost in just the last three decades."